Electricity: Economics, Infrastructure & Access Exploration

Have you ever wonder about how electricity works and what creates electricity? And How Cambodia have their electricity? That was what we learned in an exploration called “Electricity: Economics, Infrastructure & Access” It might sound so long and complicated, but in an easy way it is about what is electricity and how it works. We were also focusing on electricity in Cambodia. We started the exploration with basic lessons about electricity, like its history, how it works, and we also have fun while experimenting with the Leyden jar which is the bigging of electricity. It was hard at first for me. I didn’t know where to start or what should I work on, but as time goes on my interest started to grow as well as my understanding of it. 

Finally, our first trip came. It wasn’t a far trip, it was just nearby here. We went to the energy lab. We got to know even more about electricity resources around the world as well as in Cambodia. After that, we went to ISPP which is an international school in Phnom Penh to see their Mini solar farm. I personally never know ISPP used solar as their main electricity resource, but they are and it was on their school building rooftops. It was amazing. I was so curious about everything related to solar and it was still on my mind even after the trip. 

After a while of studying different types of electricity resources, we were learning about solar, hydro dams, Thermal, Nuclear power, and more. I was fully into solar. It is a great resource that people should be using because it used sunlight which we will never run out of. In class, we were dividing into a team to work on one of those resources that we were interested in, and just like that Solar was what I was working on. In my team, we were writing an article about solar. The article includes how it works, the advantages and disadvantages, different types of solar energy systems and solar energy in Cambodia. Everything that I was curious about started to become like a solved riddle or an open book. The article helps me to understand more about solar and I got to improve my writing skills which I was not so confident with too. 

Another unforgettable trip came. We got to visit Okra solar mini-grid in Kompong Speu province, Okra solar is a solar company that provides accessible, available & affordable energy to the people living in off-grid areas. Solar mini-grid is one of the different types of solar energy. We also went to interview people who use electricity from solar mini-grid and I got to understand that besides important things for people’s life like food, electricity is their needs. Electricity also parts that help economic growth, with electricity they said that they can earn more than they used to. 

This is a whole new perspective I have toward electricity. I thought that without them we will just need to live in the dark, but now I got to know that electricity is a part of life without them life will be more difficult and nothing could be improved or develop. I learned that we need to save them because they are important, saving electricity for today so then we can have a better tomorrow. When some people have electricity to use, they didn’t know or think about the people out there who are living in the dark with no hopes of improving their life and no hope of getting off from the darkness that they were in. After understanding and learning all of these, I wanted everyone to know about it and to care about it as much as we do.  Now that we got to learn about it, I felt lucky and somehow connected to the people out there, connected because I felt like I got to show people out there that they are not alone, we understanding how they felt and there are always people who wanted to help and are caring about them. This seven weeks exploration was passing by like a dream, I can’t get enough, but at last, I wanted everyone to know that this learning experience didn’t only help me with my education, but it makes me realized how lucky I am to have almost everything I need in life. It teaches me to appreciate everything I have and to help save and take care of everything I have.



Vietnam is our neighbor country. We are friends a long time ago but I am as a Cambodian I didn’t know much about their history, which makes me feel like there is something that is missing and needed to be known. Thanks to Literacy class this round we were focusing on the Vietnam war and which lead to a book called “Inside out and back again”. The novel is writing by Thanhha Lai who is a Vietnam-born American writer of children’s literature. The books are written as a chapter of poems more than a book chapter of the paragraph. Our main focus is on the Vietnam war, but throughout the learning process, we got to learned many other things and got to improve our skills too. We got to read articles, and looking through some pictures and having a small exhibition of pictures along with captions that were taken during the war. At first I didn’t know anything at all about the Vietnam war,but after I read some I can understand more about and I can make an inference that I have made after reading and learn about Vietnam war is that it was a 20 years long war so there are millions of people who died in the war and not only just because they got shot or fighting, but some people even kill themselves because they just don’t want to live their life in that war. One inference that I have made after reading and learn about Vietnam war is that it was a 20 years long war so there are millions of people who died in the war and not only just because they got shot or fighting,but some people even kill themselves because they just don’t want to live their life in that war. Being in the war made people feel like it is not where they should belong and it wasn’t their home, it wasn’t the place that they used to know. The war did not only made people feel pain physically, but they got the pain in their feeling and metal pain that can’t be cured and will be their forever as their scars. We got to know the feeling of those people and understand more about them from the book more than the article was reading because the book was focusing on a specific perspective of a character named Kim Ha who was just 10 years old during the war. The characters in the books told us a lot about their feeling and we can see deep more to their emotion without them telling it. Another interesting thing about the book was that not only it tells us about the war, but it was also telling us about the setting and how things happen one by one. The book was one way that tells us about the war and the people’s life’s changes. We got to learn about the war and also we got to improve about reading skills, it was more than just reading and understanding, there was something we have to do to get to know the characters and people’s emotions better and it is the tone. We can understand more about the emotion of the characters by the tone that they are using and the words that the author was using to describe things and feelings. Only reading one was not enough we have to compare and contrast the information that we got, so we were reading a lot of articles and compare the information and the feeling that the articles were giving to the readers. We have done a lot of group discussion because it helps us to understand one of another opinions and ideas and because of the group discussion, it makes me feel more confident about my overall knowledge and understanding of the war. The team giving more ideas and opinion which sometimes lead to something we never think of but are connected. Discussion is always needed when we are learning about something. We have to take a lot of notes because the group discussion was like having a debate or trying to persuade people so they believe in your opinion or idea and agree with you and to do that I have to have clear and specific evidence. In this round not only it teaches me about the war and improving my skills, and there is something I can take away from this which is teamwork and the confidence to speak up about my ideas and to bring my voice to the group discussion or the class. This is another progress for me in literacy and I hope to improve and make more progress in the future.


Dubai is one of the cities in the United Arab Emirates known for luxury shopping, lively nightlife and of course the tallest building in the world. It is also known for the largest man-made island the  “Palm Jumeirah”, but behind all of those incredible developments, you have to see how amazing the evolution of Dubai since 1984 are, well click here to see those beautiful developments in Dubai from years to years.




The last term made me feel like I have learned so much and I have to review many things that I have learned this year such as fraction, prealgebra, Triangle and more. This term is a bit more confusing to me, not that I didn’t get it, but because we got to learn a lot different than the last terms. There are many news lessons I just got to learn, and of course I am not that confident and comfortable about it yet,but hopefully I will after the small test we take because all of us are going to try and take what we understand all in this test so that the teacher know what level we are and what to improve too. This is the last term of the year I just want to take a moment to look at myself of how I am doing this year compared to last year. It was a huge different for me ,last years I just like I was just born so everything was just like confusing and news,but started this year I feel like I have gotten into more of math and started to understand it more and more and how helpful it is to our  everyday life and also our brain system. It is not just something you can learn and forget because you will use it a lot in life and it is one of the most important lessons in school. Math is hard for me and I think it is for most of us too. It is not just learning,but it is about practicing and there are some math things that we won’t even use in real life, but we learn it because it is important for us to learn most of it even we rarely used it in real life, but if someday we need to it is easy for us.

One of my tough lesson in math class that I feel like I haven’t comfortable with is Fraction. It is one of my least favorite things because  I am not comfortable with it, but I believe that when I understand and comfortable with it I will definitely like it. I don’t know if there anyone feels or happen the same as me because whenever I learned fraction I got it, but after a while when we have a new lesson I would forget it easily and I think I have to work on review the lesson a lot. I always wonder why I used to not like math and now I know one main   is that because I didn’t get the concept of it I didn;t understand it and I am being quite in class I rarely ask questions and I would always just listening to the teacher, but the way it is was not what I wanted myself to me . Now I am a whole new different person. I can feel started to like math and also asking questions when I don’t get it and also not only asking, but also helping my friends out too. This year is one of my year that I can call as “success” and I hope I can keep up the good work and also improve what I need to next year.



         Independace work is something I really like to do because I wanted to learn to manage my own time and in Literacy, this term is independent work that related to Literacy. First it was complicated for me because I get confused a lot and there are many things that I have adapted to yet, however after a few days I feel like I started to got it and started to manage my own time perfectly even something I might have short time to do something,but I did finish them on time and started to work on something else that I have put in the schedule.

For me, in my schedule, there is mostly the other work from the other classes that related to literacy, but most of the time when I don’t have any other work from the other classes reading is on the top list of my schedule. I like reading it’s keeping me accompany and entertaining me it makes me understand more about the life lesson and also I can improve my reading skills and that including my vocabulary too. I don’t like reading it slowly if I read a book I would finish it really quick it ‘s not that I just want to end it, but I like to spend my time on them I don’t like to spend my time reading a few pages a day it just makes me feel annoyed because sometimes I don’t understand, but if I read a lot I can understand the meaning of the books better. I would say I like fiction than nonfiction it just I enjoy fiction a lot. I am a person who likes fantasy, mysterious types of book, it makes me interested in books and the books are more attractive to me when it is those types. There are also hard times for me because I only read fiction, however sometimes I have to explore something new so I choose to read nonfiction sometimes like famous people biography, however since this is the independence work when I read I choose to read something I enjoy so I don’t get tired or bored and that is reading fiction novel especially the one with Vampires are favorite.

Reading with imaginary is something everyone does even me when I read I can see the action in my head,however there are times I have to put my book down and try to see the scenarios the author trying to explain and that when I know I can read books that are crate in to movie because after I read I can watch the movie and understand about it better and one of the books that I have read are The maze runner, cinder, blood promise, etc. All of those books are all nice and good, one of my top favorite books is Cinder. In that book, there are many mysterious things if you are someone who likes reading mystery and fantasy like me this is my recommendation for you.

(credit: internet)



         Multimedia is not something I’m good at and it is not something I wanted to do, however, I started to like it after I try to do more of it. For me, I mostly try something that I am not good and something I don’t feel comfortable with because it makes me feel like I can improve myself with those hard times and of course, one of those is multimedia. Sometimes I ask myself if I could it do better how would I do it and that is when I realize that every subject are your favorite if you understand the concept and the point of it ,so I am trying my best to focus in class and follow my own heart to do something I am interested in. Since this is an independence work I choose to make a video and also try coding club(python).

       Create or making videos is one of my favorite things. I have made a video before, however, I haven’t make a picture slideshow video yet and that is what I try to do. I made a video that is just like a picture slide show because I feel like most people think that action describes things easily than pictures, people enjoy looking at the videos that have the action in them because of those action show emotion and what is it about better than pictures, but for me, I wanted to try to make a video that is like a pictures slideshow because most of us know that pictures can’t describe everything at once, however a lot of pictures together it will make a scenario that makes other people understand the emotion inside of the photos.

    A girl that is smiling in the photo doesn’t use a fake smile because the smile is real from her own heart and her own self and it is perfect for people to see the emotion in it. Some people think that the smile in the pictures are just fake but remember this “Don’t judge the book by its cover”. The photo might just stay there silents, no action, but sometimes when you just looking at the photos you might remember something and know about the situation. The pictures are just like the memory card, to me the more photos you took or taken the more memory you have at those times.

   Trying something that you never have done before is not easy there are some challenges that you have to face and I did. well, most of the time I feel myself doing weird things, but lucky enough I know it and I did my best to focus on my work again and I did finish the video.

     After finishing the making the video, I feel like I have something else to review from the past lessons so I try to think of something I haven’t done a while and that is Coding. Coding is not my passion, however, I wanted to be good at it and this is the perfect time for me to review from the code club which is a website. You can also try to code too with code club you can learn python and it is more like coding activities.

Here is the website.https://codeclubprojects.org/en-GB/python/.

     I really enjoy those times when I did it because it makes me understand more about who I am and what are the challenges for me and what I should work and improve on. I would recommend everyone to try the challenges on the website because it is fun and also you can learn something from it too. I like this kind of independence work a lot because it can make me manage my own times and manage my task, but I did make a mistake, but I also did learn a lot from it and now I won’t stay out of my task again.

   Here is a short project I did in code club, it was short because I just started and I am focusing more on making the video and the code club is just something I did after finish my video.      https://trinket.io/python/16dfed3b63


Outdoor rea


Outdoor leadership

Nature is a broad topic to learn and talk about, but nature is what everyone should know and understand about too. Living in Cambodia lived as Cambodian(Khmer) we all know that Cambodia is a country full of nature, so do you think everyone knows about and understands about nature? I am myself as Cambodian and I still have a lot to learn. Learning doesn’t have the expiry date which means ages doesn’t matter. The early it is the more information you will learn. Learning about nature doesn’t always mean you have to be in the forest. The word “nature” is defining different meaning by different people. Nature to mean things that are not man-made and are the living things that are known as natural to many people but for me not only those but also for many other things such as weather and mostly something that humans can’t control or change.

Climbing up hills or mountains, not taking a bath for days, trekking in the woods and staying, walking together as a group to explore nature is what I have done. It might sound weird even myself feel like it is impossible for me to do those activities above, but I did and by that, I and my friends have to go through many new experiences. Some people consider bad times as bad luck, but to us, bad and good time are all considered as experiences. Staying together as a group was not that hard since we have stayed with each other for years, but that doesn’t it is easy either. Facing many problems don’t make us stop from what we are trying, in the wood, there are many animals that we are scared of, afraid of, however, those animals are nature, the feeling we have toward them is natural and because those animals are nature we have to step out of our comfort zone and learn more about it and the environment surrounded. The weather can’t be control what we should do is to be prepared for times when the weather doesn’t go well and it causes many problems for us like our tents and clothes are wet, but thanks to those moments we’re able to have that experience and learn from those moments. That times I can see myself being a self leader and a problem solver also as a group we have used communication skill too.

Doing something you have never done was one of those uncomfortable things for us, especially when you have to get through something you’re afraid and scared of the most in life. I just want to point out “Dalen E” She is my close and best friend all along the time I know her I know about her biggest fear and that is the animals that are boneless like worm, leeches and more. She never stays any closer to them by 5 to 6 feet meters, but on this trip, we have to get through a lot of leeches and worm. I know it is hard for her and this would give her a really hard time, there are time that she cries and also time that she doesn’t want to stay there any longer, however, I really appreciate her that she can step out of her fear even with tears, but that shows the confidence she has. This is an exploration that I think has taught me a lot to look at myself and other good work and try my best like them too.

My goals for these trips were countless because I want to explore everything I could,but after everything I’ve faced and seen I know my specific goals now the only goal I had all along, but I just didn’t know, however now I understand that I don’t want to just learn about nature, but I want to learn to love nature . The forest, waterfall, was not on my mind if people ask me about the place that gives me peace, but instead, I would think in a room with my device, but things changed me over time after this exploration and now I have learned to love the peace that nature gives to us. I learned to love the waterfall, to love what we have and we all should protect them. 

Overall this exploration taught me many things, I have learned about nature, my interest, about other people and importantly I have learned a lot about myself. I think I know myself best, but now I think I have a lot more to learn about myself and who I really am. I know that nothing is enough almost everyone needs improvement. I know I have many things to improve on, but as I know that improvement doesn’t always come by itself and it is not easy, but I have to step out of my comfort zone so that I can improve on what I need to and one of the goals that I have to improve is on my leadership styles and one of those which is designated-leader . I am a person who doesn’t like to control or being told to do something so when we are in a team I never wanted to be a leader who tells other people what to do because I really don’t like it so I feel like if I do it what will other people feel like? However, now I am trying to be one because in a team there always should be one so that the teamwork is stronger and the work gets done better. , but now I started to understand that as a leader, you don’t always tell others what to do,but you are the person who respects other people’s opinions and tries to ask all teammates about their ideas and you are the one who voices your ideas the most and now I wanted to try to become one because it might something news that I like.

Photos & Captions

                                     “I can’t believe I climb those mountains, but I did !!

                                       “Be like the sun, it set, but it will rise again


This term is one of the most inspirational lessons I ever learned from literacy. We learned about happiness. What bring you happiness? Do think money can buy happiness?  
From this lesson, I think we are not only using it just for class, but we will need to use it forever in our lifetime because it is what we ‘re all life need it is HAPPINESS. This is the poem that I have created to make myself knows about what life means to me” Life is like a song, it can be hurtful or happy depending on the lyrics that we wrote, it is not always easy there is high note that we have to get through. Sometimes we get used to the lyrics, but if we change it a little bit it can mean other things so write it sing it and make it as your own”. By waiting for this poem I want to remind myself that there are things that we need to be changed and nothing will stay the same forever even myself. Everyone have to get old and die someday it just that we can’t predict and knows when so we all should enjoy our lifetimes make most of our times to be a happy memories and also make your life as your own life, not other people, make it as what you want it to be because it is who you are. The words Happiness means the state of being happy, but do you know how could you find happiness? Most people don’t know how could they find their happiness, and I want to tell that not only them but so everyone else. Do you think every moment of your life is happy yet? Then if you haven’t known yet then this what I have learned and this is where  I can share to you.

Like I asked before do you think money can buy happiness? Every answer is not right or wrong there are reasons behind those and there are different opinion and different person. Most of the times when I ask people about it the answer would be “money can’t buy happiness,but it is a part of it” well I can’t tell you what is right or wrong it is you the one who has to think and pick the answer yourself and there is no one could answer it beside you and also just believe in yourself there is no one better. When we learned about can money buy happiness we had read this article called”You can Buy Happiness if it’s an Experience and it is also one of my most favorite article I ever read because it makes me think even deeper than I was ever before? After reading the article here is what the I think the article is referred: ”I think that this article is telling people that you can use your money the ways you want to, but there is the difference between used your money to try something and buy something news. From the article, its main idea is that trying new things and having new experiments make you happier than buying new things. They are both using money but in the different ways of spending it”.  We have read many articles about happiness and the other one is called Truth”. Truth is a poem and it trying to tell the reader that the thing that going to happen can be good and bad, but be positive and go with your chose for the day.  The last article that I am going to talk about is called”From Blossoms” It is also like a poem, but with deep meaning where you can’t just it read it once and understand because it takes me more than twice just to understand a line.  From Blossom is talking about there is no one knows what will happen in the future, but we all can make every moment turn to happy. Do something that leads yourself to happiness because you’ll never when will you die, but make yourself happy every moment of your life because that is what life is like.

The moment you started to know that every moment of life is special and that is the moment where happiness can define. You don’t have to go and look out for happiness because happiness is not a thing that you have to find it is with you all the times you just have to know how to be happy. A quote from Tom Wilson once states” A smile is a happiness you’ll find right under your nose” this is one of the happiness that is closest to you. Find yourself happiness because life is special and meaningful because of it and also remember there is nothing as special and important as love, especially the love that you gives to yourself. Be who you are and find your own happiness. 


  (credit: Quote )


(Credit: classic happy smiley face, purple)



In this term, we learned many things such as function, list, and recently we learned about dictionaries in programming. In the dictionary code, we have two important things which are keys and values.


 “brand”: “Ford”,

 “model”: “Mustang”,

 “year”: 1964

Keys: “brand”, “model”, “year”

Values: “Ford”, “Mustang”, 1964

And here is an assignment in this term:

Technology/Multimedia Assignment – Round 4/Week 6

Due Monday April 1st, 2019 @ 8pm

Your name: Rachana

Code Club project name: Colorful Creation



  • Why did you choose the project? What interested you? What skill or topics did you want to work on?


I chose to work on the project is because I really like the title it said creation and I feel like I am going to create something by my own and I know it going to be something new. I think I will learn a lot from this project. I want to work on it because I want to create something from coding, it just makes me feel like I understand and can do it.

  1. Describe one coding challenge you had during this project. Please copy the code here to explain the problem.

I am stuck on the code where they challenge want us to do something and I got no idea where to start the code.


  1. What strategies did you try to solve the problem?

I didn’t think of it straight away,but I keep thinking of it when I am alone or when I concentrate enough,one funny thing about it is that I actually understand it when I was in the bathroom because I was washing my hands and I keep thinking of it and the idea just came up to my mind.

  1. Did your strategies work? Why or why not?

It is working, but I also need to change something a little bit, but that where it started because it is from draft to the real one.

  1. Did you do any extra work or challenge to go beyond what was required from the project?


  1. Write down one thing you learned from working on this project. This can be about Python, programming, computers, yourself, etc.

I have learned about myself that I got the code and programming faster when it is my favorite things and it is like some code that reacted about what I like. An example of it is the colorful creation because I can write anything I want and like. It just like I like something that is my choice.

And here is the link to my challenge that I did:                   https://trinket.io/python/cf3c9661c7

Also here are some challenges that we learned in class and you can challenge yourself to do it too! Projects to choose from:

Turtle Race!: https://codeclubprojects.org/en-GB/python/turtle-race/

Secret Messages: https://codeclubprojects.org/en-GB/python/secret-messages/

Colorful Creations: https://codeclubprojects.org/en-GB/python/colourful-creations/

RPG: https://codeclubprojects.org/en-GB/python/rpg/

Where is the Space Station?: https://codeclubprojects.org/en-GB/python/iss/

*if you want the other project, select another from this list or choose your own at https://codeclubprojects.org/en-GB/python/.

(credit: https://codeclubprojects.org/en-GB/python)




In STEM this term we have new things, a lot of things good and exciting learning time in STEM. We got a new schedule for stem which is Monday is reading and Tuesday is the experiment and of course, Tuesday is my favorite. The lessons we have learned are Acid and Base, Movement and we got to do experiments too. Acid and base are my favorite one overall because it is new to me and also I feel like I really got it. Sometimes I feel like I am not learning, but instead, I am taking it in step by step by just observing. I feel so natural like I don’t have to push myself so hard, but I get it more than I usually does. One more thing that I noticed myself in STEM class is that we just changed group and times so I feel like after the changing things happen I feel like I got to understand STEM better and also I feel like I like STEM now. Acid and base is the started of me where I started to like STEM even though to some people like me before I think that STEM is a really long process and there are so many things and vocabulary to learn,but when you got to understand it and when you learned it in different ways you will feel like you are not learning by just sitting class and read or listen to your teacher, but it about the discussing in team and using it in everyday life. One tip that I always did to remember about STEM things is that I keep it in real life. I try to look at the real-life example and also trying to making jokes or sentences or speaking with my friends about it so that it will always be in my head and I won’t forget it after we learned. For acid and base experiment this is what we did and what had happened:

Acid and Base test

Students will put into three groups for this experiment.



Red carbage solution as an indicator

  1. Lemon juice 2. Vinegar 3. Sprite  4. Water
  2. Toothpaste and water solution 6. Baking soda and water solution  7. Bleach.

Step 1

Add 20 ml of each solution to an each cup

This is what they turned to be

Pour indicator solution to each solution cup

Vinegar =pink

Baking soda and water solution=green

water=light purple


Lemon juice=pink 


Toothpaste and water solution=purple ( Take note of the color change in every cups )

For more information about the experiment here is my lab report

First, we grab each of the material and poured those things above step by step then we mixed it with the indicator cup by cup.

For lemon juice, Vinegar, Sprite it turns in to pink because those are acidic. For water and toothpaste, they turned into purple or light purple because they are the neutral which is 7, not an acid or a base. For bleach and baking soda are a base because for the baking soda it turned into green while bleach doesn’t even change color at all. When we take Lemon juice cup ( already mixed with indicator) and Pour it in the bleach cup the reaction still the same which it turned to the bleach colors like we didn’t add anything. Then we take baking soda and water solution and pour it in the vinegar and It was a really high reaction because the bubble was coming up nearly to the top of the cup, and it turns in to purple which it turned into neutral. The last thing we did was we take Sprite and pour slowly into the toothpaste solution and it becomes pink which is the acid.


This is the first time I even have done anything like this. I always wanted to do it because I like to see what going to change. This is actually fun, but before the fun coming I was a mess. In our team, we messed it up about 3-4 times because we didn’t read the instruction properly, but that the lesson I learned at the same time with the Acid and base. I was really stressful actually when we messed up things got more and more complicated to me while when we have done it we feel it is an easy experiment we just have to do it exactly as step by step from the instruction. This is the one that we get right for the first time and also Alli (our teacher)is with us all the time for this one. I really feel sorry to her because we messed up a lot and if I was her I will be really annoying because we have done the same mistakes over and over, but that called experiment if we didn’t get it wrong we won’t remember it in the future. For me after these mistakes, I won’t forget about this lesson and also the experiences I have for today.

Here are some of the acid scale and reactions:


(credits: Shutterstock )